Saturday, April 19, 2008

cross forum, cross platform, cross players

Madman Kefka (1:52:49 PM): these are the exact same, word for word, arguments that WoW players are making to try and justify casual players getting rewards similar to hardcore raiders

listeme (1:58:27 PM): and there are a lot of people who assume as soon as the topic comes up that the top players just want their money
Madman Kefka (1:58:46 PM): what is silly to me
Madman Kefka (1:59:01 PM): is how many people think they, having never made it past, say, division four, think they know the motivations of the top-rated players in the world
Madman Kefka (1:59:11 PM): or anything of the effort involved
Madman Kefka (1:59:51 PM): the casual argument in WoW always, always comes down to someone saying "raiding is easy," having never set foot in anything outside of karazhan - they assume that it is as simple as devoting the time that they do not have to it, which is astoundingly far from the truth

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