Friday, October 22, 2010


Current DC SOWPODS League activity is still confined to the Kitchen at John&Marsh's, but it's exciting and mind-expanding. (Honestly, it's partly Simon's recuperation that has us playing more. He's not supposed to jump on furniture for 2 weeks, and the kitchen is really the only room that he can freely hang out in.)

Anyway, we're playing. We noted tonight that we are playing a game using a world dictionary on a custom board with protiles and a samtimer clock, a homemade bag, and 2 blue plastic racks that predate Hasbro. We play a (memorized) version of the tournament rules developed by world organizations, and we use our own self-designed scoresheets. And roller ball pens. We note a lot of things here at DC SOWPODS League headquarters.

We should develop a logo, and a motto! I love mottoes.

I won both games tonight with the help of the magic tile bag fairies.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Two down, 999 to go

The first two games last night. As usually happens when we start playing again after a break, we were both a little more conservative than we normally are. That fades fast. John killed in the first game and almost broke 600; I did NOT break 300. Some of this was tiles, but some of it was me not seeing GIUSTED# and so forth. It may be like riding a bike, but you also have to remember where the road is.

The second game I drew all the great tiles and barely squeaked out a 25 point win.

But look at the record. It just shows a nice clean 1 to 1.

To be fair, John did play nice words like FIREP(L)UG. For many points.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This is important.

We're about to switch over to all collins all the time (again, yes). Should we start a brand new series? Say -- best of 1000? Or should we merely add on to the lifetime championship series?

There's really only room for one record on the fridge.

Is 1000 games really enough to give a true champ?

No easy answers, I'm afraid.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Why not?

Did I mention that we finally joined NASPA? It was spurred mostly by finding out that Collins events would get a NASPA rating. One likes to encourage this kind of behavior.

So I'm back to not trying to keep the word lists separate. Let's face it, it's not like we'll be playing a lot of tourneys any time soon. So why NOT play the version I love? Why NOT try to do it the best I possibly can?

I don't put much time into studying these days, for sure. I should make it efficient.

But ... we joined NASPA!