Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I can seem to muster no enthusiasm for scrabble at the moment. My moral outrage towards Hasbro is eclipsed by my moral outrage towards political liars and criminals, at least for now. My creative energy is pouring into fiction (as apparently is the case for those political liars), and autumn is keeping me busy with winter preparations and school things.

Tuesday night club is impossible. Sunday afternoon club is nonexistent. The only tournament I have on the horizon is logistically tricky, and I need to study a LOT for it. And without enthusiasm, that is tough. CGP is full of topics like "should I be outraged if my opponent does math aloud?" and while I'm sure that's very interesting to those few that are outraged, eh, I'm not finding it compelling.

I don't know. Am I temporarily retiring?

I just can't find it in myself to CARE about the game right now.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Potomac, the headquarters of britishness

Off we trekked to play Collins with Bob and Vince. (Vince is not studying the british words, but agreed to partner with Bob, which was kind of him.) We played four team games, split the power tiles, split the games, would have split the money had we played for money.

We played a scoring variant -- 10 points extra for any non-two Collins-only. This necessitates knowing the difference. I'm embarrassed to say that Bob got away with an extra ten for PARDY. (Challenges of #-ness are allowed; they cost 10 to the loser of the challenge.) We also let them get away with the entirely dictionaryless FUNKSIA*, which is ridiculous. I am glad we are playing 5 point challenge in these matches. I need to learn when to risk those points. Certainly I should risk them more often than I'm doing. The sureness line is not entirely clear to me yet.

Overall a good session. Bob is obviously studying.