We had some non-Dow related fun yesterday. As predicted, I played very slowly and probably terribly in the first game and lost. I could blame tiles, but it would be incorrect. I could blame my opponent's chattering, and in fact that WAS annoying. But really, I just played badly.
Second game, against Dan, I started to get a little speed back, which correlates to brain power. I let him get away with safing# for 52. Didn't worry a second over it, either. He ended up winning by five. My bingos: BAG[U]EtTE.
Third game, against John, # all the way. I thought we both went seamlessly into British mode, particularly for the overlap plays. My bingos: the amazing PLOTTEd. I won by two.
We then all danced around the "who should sit out" game. None of us really minded; bookstores are a great place to be odd person out. I drew the sit-out straw, but then Lucas had to go, and so I took his spot against Dan again. (And then Lucas didn't have to go after all, so he enjoyed the bookstore while the rest of us played.)
Fourth, game, Dan again. This game I felt on. I also felt telepathically powerful, as whatever letters I needed for my eights just miraculously came down. An E for COLIS[E]UM. An A for JAcUL[A]TE. An N for STEAPSI[N]. Okay, a lot of letters would have worked with PATSIES, but still. I needed him to play something for me, 'cause no seven was going to play.
So I went 2-2, had fun, bought a book. I'm sure we will go back. How frequently remains to be seen, of course. But community-level scrabble is fine with me.
I feel folksy. I need to stop watching political clips.