Three and one at club on Sunday. This was our second club visit in several months. In other words, I'm continuing my regimen of not studying and not thinking about Scrabble and then drawing very well. I have to say that this takes less effort than some other methods, although the tile gods can be very demanding.
My time management was fairly horrible -- over time in one, plus-2 seconds in another, and the others nearly as bad. I also played with a peculiar mix of nervousness about word knowledge (mostly re: challenges) and aggression in board position and control. I think this works better than the reverse, to be honest.
Bingoes, mostly so I can brag about the first one on the list... PSOrIAS[IS], FEMINIE, ELATIVE, nAIADES, FINnIER, NOYADES, pLEATED, LION[I]ZEd, and PEA[R]LING.
Mistakes (major -- there were plenty of minor): Didn't challenge off feminies*, although I did mutter about it. Played elative instead of elatives to an S. I think I was affected by the feminies debacle. Missed farside on my rack, although there would not have been a place to play it. This is extra major, as this is the second time I have missed it recently. Disastrous time management.